Today's episode is a re-run of one of our favorites. Grab your pen and paper because you may want to take notes on the magic that happens in this episode. We’re doing a LIVE essential question workshop, which we haven’t done since last year (by the way, doesn’t last year feel like a decade ago?).
The point of this workshop is for Marie to plan and prepare essential questions for an upcoming 12th grade literature course. The end goal is to help students begin to find ways to recognize all the various parts of themselves through characters in texts.
Lucky for all of us, Amanda is absolutely incredible at writing and thinking through essential questions. Together we’ll talk through the themes we want to cover and the outcomes we want students to have as we craft an engaging and thought-provoking question.
The essential questions writing process is SO much more enjoyable when you can go through it with someone else. It truly is a process and you have to say the bad ideas out loud before you can get to the good ones! As you begin to create your own EQs this year, just keep in mind that students thrive on predictability and routine. In other words, keep it simple!
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