Welcome to part two of our series with Andrea Michelle. If you haven’t listened to part one yet, (episode 134) then push pause on this one, and check that out first! In this series, we’re doing a unit makeover on Night, by Elie Wiesel.
Andrea has taught this unit before, but she wants to make some tweaks to improve the experience for her and her students. So, that’s exactly what we’re doing in this series! From the activities, to the essential questions, to assessments, and more, we’re looking at how we can really step things up.
Inside part one of this series, we went through the unit makeover process with Andrea. If you aren’t familiar with this process, the idea is to take something that’s doing “fine” and give it a fresh new look to make it better.
In our conversation today, we’re going to unveil our thoughts, suggestions, and what we would do to change and improve this unit. Buckle up because there’s lots of ideas and brainstorming ahead! You’ll gain insight as to how you can implement this process and take on your own unit makeover with your own team or department.
Show Notes: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode135
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