In this episode, we're working on our element Hope... and resilience as well! As you may know, we're still adventuring through The Roots of Resilience (laid out in one of Dr. Emmons book, The Chemistry of Calm). We’re adding this element of Hope because working on our resilience skills is something that can actually feed hope, which then boosts our resilience… which then fuels our hope. It’s the upward spiral we love here.
And, just to be clear, you don't need to be an optimist to be hopeful. Or joyful. We'll discuss a bit more about that in this episode.
One more reason why we like to talk about hope and resilience together: Working with these elements together creates more opportunities to tap into our resilient self, particularly if we're feeling at odds with our body (for whatever reason). We'll discuss how we can tap into our resilience and hope through our mind and heart space, and in a way that also nourishes the body.
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