You're telling us to be civil and tone down the rhetoric? Well, excuse us, but we’re not the ones who attempted to violently overthrow our democracy! Ignoring a crisis won't solve it. Yet that's exactly what the mainstream media is doing by “both-sidesing” America’s political violence crisis driven by the far-right.
Much of the mainstream media continues to fall in line, pumping out propaganda to normalize Trump. They claim he'll change this time. But you already know that he won’t, because you listen to our show!
Meanwhile, these same media outlets continue to fawn over the MAGA fascist rally known as the Republican National Convention, featuring a who's who of Kremlin disinformation agents like Trump’s VP pick JD Vance. It’s like watching a very dark comedy where the punchline is always at the expense of democracy.
Now, for those who crave staying grounded and self-care with facts, this week's bonus show will analyze the GOP’s Kremlin Convention and prepare us for the week ahead! We’ll dive deep into questions from our Democracy Defender-level supporters ($10/month) and higher, including whether there’s a Russian version of AIPAC. To access bonus shows, get all episodes ad-free, enjoy exclusive invites, and more, subscribe at the Truth-teller level ($5/month) or higher! Annual discounts are available so subscribe today!
And finally, mark your calendars! The book launch party for the Mr. Jones graphic novel, In the Shadow of Stalin: The Making of Mr. Jones, is on September 16th at the Ukrainian Institute of America at 7 pm. It’ll be a live taping of Gaslit Nation, featuring special guests and a wine reception. Gaslit Nation Patreon supporters at the Truth-teller level and higher get in free, so sign up at
Thank you to everyone who supports the show – we could not make Gaslit Nation without you!
Every third Thursday of the month through the election we’re phonebank for Senate races in Republican-hostage states to leave no voter behind! RSVP here to join us:
We’re phonebanking every Wednesday in October for state races in the must-win battlegrounds of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia! RSVP here to join us:
Save the date! Book launch party and live Gaslit Nation taping September 16 at the Ukrainian Institute of America for In the Shadow of Stalin: The Story of Mr. Jones, the graphic novel adaptation of the shooting script for the journalistic thriller, Mr. Jones. Wine reception to follow. Patreon supporters subscribed at the Truth-teller level or higher get in for free! Make sure you’re subscribed to be added to the guest list:
Got questions? If you're subscribed at the Democracy Defender-level or higher on Patreon, send us your questions for our regular Q&As! They help inspire the show!
Show Notes:
Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President
Merrick Garland Both-Sides the Coup
Thomas Matthew Crooks: What we know about the Trump attacker
Southern Poverty Law Center quoted on Thomas Matthew Crooks shooting
Trump Shooter Once Donated Money to a Democratic Cause? Some social media users claimed a 69-year-old man with the same name as Trump's would-be assassin actually made the donation.
“Of the 444 people killed at the hands of extremists over the past 10 years, 335 (or 75%) were killed by right-wing extremists.”
Report: Domestic Terrorism Is Still a Greater Threat Than Islamic Extremism
White and far-right extremists kill more cops, but FBI tracks black extremists more closely, many worry Read more at:
Is white extremism the biggest domestic terror threat in the US? For years US terror warnings have focused on groups like Al Qaeda or Daesh, but the latest warnings from US law enforcement agencies point to homegrown terrorists as the most immediate danger.
The Inside Story of Sean Patrick Maloney’s Face Plant in New York
FEC Document Concludes Trump Paid Actors to Attend Event at Which He Launched 2016 Campaign
Mehdi Hasan on Twitter: “Don’t know whether to laugh or cry: apparently one of the reasons Vance radicalized and went from moderate Never Trumper to insane MAGA Trumper is because the Netflix movie of his book got panned by liberal movie critics. It was the “last straw”, according to a friend. Amazing.”