October Wrap-up, Question of the Month, National Podcast Post Month and New Meetups
Reminder dear podcaster! We are nearing the end of October and if you want your podcast featured along with your answer to the question of the month for October, please respond now!
Also, we have started a new PodLounge Tuesday Meetup at 2 pm eastern standard time each Tuesday afternoon in November for our community. If you can't make it to our Saturday morning 11 am est Meetups, try our Tuesday Meetup - our Tuesday Meetups are open Q&A format, so bring your questions! You do not have to be a podcaster to join in on the conversation, so join us now!
Keep in mind that November is our 30 episodes in 30 days challenge, great stuff coming in just a few days! ___ Meet with Dave for a free consult to help you with your podcast https://calendly.com/truemediasolutions/free-podcast-consult-for-how-to-podcast-listeners ___ https://howtopodcast.ca