Episode 337 - Podcast Spotlight - Lead With Confidence with host Desiree Petrich - NaPodPoMo
Here’s the short version for any crazy busy people!
Hi! I’m Desiree Petrich, a best-selling author, speaker, corporate coach and trainer, and the host of the Lead With Confidence Podcast. I founded my company Intentional Action in 2022 after losing my mom unexpectedly just two months after bringing my son home from the NICU.
My company, Intentional Action is a leadership development company dedicated to unlocking the full potential of individuals and teams. With a diverse range of services including teambuilding activities and retreats, emerging leader programs, high-level masterminds, workshops, keynotes, and breakout sessions, we empower organizations to cultivate strong cultures with strong leadership at the forefront. Whether you’re looking to instill confidence in your emerging leaders or build a team around trust and a common goal, we ensure tailored solutions that will have your team excited to learn and grow together.
John Wooden says that when a crisis comes it’s too late to prepare.
This advice saved my life.
On 2/22/22, my son was born during the middle of a Minnesota blizzard, and had to be kept alive for 15 hours by nurses and doctors who were willing to do anything they could to make up for the equipment they did not have. He then spent four weeks in the NICU before he finally got to meet his big sister.
During the four weeks I spent away from home, I had a choice to make. I could continue to read the personal development books I had on my list to complete my fourth year of 75 books, or I could watch TV. I could sit on the same couch day after day, or I could take a few walks and sit on the floor of the NICU and stretch like I had every night for the last 3 years. I could spiral into thoughts of being scared and stressed, or I could put my faith in the process and be optimistic of the outcome of the things I couldn’t control, while I controlled the things that I could.
I wish my story of overcoming hard times ended there
… 24 hours after we brought my son home from the NICU, I got the call that my mom had had a stroke at work, and was being flown to the hospital. We packed up my 4 week old, and my 2 year old, and we drove 3 hours to the hospital. That night was one of only three times I got to see my mom before she passed away two months later. COVID restrictions were seemingly gone in the “regular world”, but in the hospital world, they were still as strong as ever.
Again, I could have let this break me. I could have let grief and anger dictate how I was going to proceed. But I will tell anyone who will listen that personal development saved my life.
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