Episode 247 - How to use Audacity To Podcast - A Guide for Podcasters Using this free recording tool
What gives you the Audacity to Podcast? Audacity! Audacity gives you a great free tool to record your audio first podcast. Forget the expense monthly digital workstations that charge you for tools that you will NEVER need - free is not a bad idea - I love free!
We discuss 7 things to leverage Audacity to Podcast better.
- Create a Master File for your podcast that includes all your elements to create your next episode - don't start with a black screen!
- Record yourself locally when doing over the internet interviews - that way you have an uncompressed audio file of your mic straight into your computer
- When recording with your guest, record locally on your computer in Audacity and minimize Audacity to show just the recording timer/clock - this will help you to not loose track of time
- Use Macro Manager to assemble repeatable tracks into a one click option - give yourself a break
- Use a standard File Naming Convention to organize your episodes
- Monitor your Recording level within Audacity - Green is good - Yellow is caution and Red is woah there, you're way too hot for podcasting!
- Set your export settings and metadata