Episode description
He was born in a small village in Haryana, built and lost one of the biggest viral sites in the world, and is now building a Netflix for India's dialects. Vinay Singhal joins Amit Varma in episode 291 of The Seen and the Unseen to speak about what he learnt from Witty Feed, the philosophy behind his new venture Stage, and how India lives, truly lives, in its dialects.
(For full linked show notes, go to SeenUnseen.in.)
Also check out:
1. Vinay Singhal on Twitter and LinkedIn.
2. Stage.in.
3. Building Netflix for Bharat (2020) -- Vinay Singhal.
4. What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur (2016) -- Vinay Singhal.
5. 5 Ways to keep people before business (2017) -- Vinay Singhal.
6. Dreamers: How Young Indians Are Changing Their World -- Snigdha Poonam.
7. Young India -- Episode 83 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Snigdha Poonam).
8. SuperSiblings -- Prachi Garg.
9. Wanting -- Luke Burgis.
10. Where Have All The Leaders Gone? — Amit Varma.
11. The Double ‘Thank-You’ Moment — John Stossel.
12. Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative.
13. Paper Menagerie -- Ken Liu.
14. A Venture Capitalist Looks at the World -- Episode 213 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Sajith Pai).
15. The Indus Valley Playbook -- Sajith Pai.
16. India2, English Tax and Building for the Next Billion Users -- Sajith Pai.
17. Understanding India Through Its Languages — Episode 232 of The Seen and the Unseen (w Peggy Mohan).
18. Real Steel -- Shawn Levy.
19. The Rocky series.
20. The Martian -- Ridley Scott.
21. The Good Doctor on Netflix.
22. The Hard Thing About Hard Things -- Ben Horowitz.
23. The Infinite Game -- Simon Sinek.
24. Zero to One -- Peter Thiel.
25. The Lean Startup -- Eric Ries.
26. Startup School.
Check out Amit’s online course, The Art of Clear Writing.
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The illustration for this episode is by Nishant Jain aka Sneaky Artist. Check out his podcast, Twitter, Instagram and Substack.