DeRay, De'Ara, Kaya, and Myles cover the underreported news of the week— including a young Black budding scientist honored by Yale University, the IRS racist auditing practices, disproportionate mortality rates amongst Black and white mothers, and contrasting thoughts on the promise of Pyer Moss. Pod Save the People launch their Blackest Book Club reading list in collaboration with Reconstruction and Campaign Zero. Download now!
DeRay Study: Wealthiest Black Moms More Likely To Die In Childbirth Than Poorest White Moms'
Kaya IRS about 3 to 5 times more likely to audit Black Americans' tax returns, study finds
De’Ara Yale honors the work of a 9-year-old Black girl whose neighbor reported her to police
Myles The Promise of Pyer Moss Kerby Jean-Raymond was one of fashion’s most celebrated young designers. Then what happened?