NYPD - jeered by any and all who care to partake while babysitting around the perimeter of a lawless shantytown right outside City Hall left over from the so-called "occupation" by BLM and BLM-adjacent groups.
The Mayor - CLOSING NYC for all outdoor events through Sept. EXCEPT BLM protests, he says, which will be permitted to march, chant and protest to their hearts content, as often as they please, in any numbers, anytime and anywhere in the city. True story.
Meanwhile, the shocking rise in crime, particularly shootings, which began immediately following the ill-advised reassignment of NYPD's 600-officer Anti-Crime unit, continues to heat up, providing an opportunity for BLM apologists and anti-cop advocates to say ridiculous, empirically untrue things. This, while New Yorkers in poor neighborhoods, where much of the gun fire is exchanged and a one-yr-old was recently killed in the crossfire, beg the authorities to bring back the disbanded unit and go back to taking guns off the streets.
Mayor de Blasio either doesn't hear them or doesn't care.