391 | Dumb Questions All New Homeschoolers Should Ask… and the Answers! (Jennifer Cabrera) | REPLAY
Episode description
Do we need a laminator and some chickens? Asking random nervous questions is part of becoming a homeschool parent. No need to flail about in an ocean of possibilities. Ask away! We veterans won't laugh (out loud). Allow me to tackle a few that may have popped into your head. Though someday you may look back and laugh too, every obvious answer you need to hear now will placate your fears and insecurities, and show you... You got this!
About Jennifer
Jennifer Cabrera, the Hifalutin Homeschooler, is the writer of homeschool truth, humor, and inspiration. Jennifer lives in Salado, Texas with her husband and three brilliant boys. She is a licensed Physician Assistant/MPH, but set aside that career for her ultimate life's work. She is also the author of Socialize Like a Homeschooler: A Humorous Homeschool Handbook and Revolting Writing, a hilarious writing, vocabulary, and illustration journal for reluctant writers. She is a featured speaker with Great Homeschool Conventions and her memes and witty insights are widely shared on social media.
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