《X是谁》by Arthur
想要给节目投稿、要问卷、需要技术帮助的朋友,都可以发邮件给 Arthur:arthraim+whoisx@gmail.com 。
Christopher Hitchens. “Why Women Aren’t Funny.” Vanity Fair, https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2007/01/hitchens200701, 2007-01-01
Delia Chiaro. “The Wisecracking Dame: An overview of the representation of verbally expressed humour produced by women on screen.” MediAzioni 1 (2005).
Helga Kotthoff. “Humour is an act of aggression, claims German academic.”. The Telegraph, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6077338/Humour-is-an-act-of-aggression-claims-German-academic.html, 2009-08-22
Nick Butler, Casper Hoedemaekers and Dimitrinka Stoyanova Russell. “The comic organization.” ephemera, 15.3 (2015): 497.
UPenn Legend. “cold joke.” Urban Dictionary, https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cold%20joke, 2009-07-14
Regina Barreca. ”They used to call me Snow White... but I drifted: Women's strategic use of humor.” UPNE (2013).
Sabah Al Mushtaq. “Humour: As a tool for gender construction and deconstruction.” International Journal for Intersectional Feminist Studies, 3.1 (2017): 29-38.
Sharon Cahill and Densham Rachel. “Women, Humour and Power… in the Workplace.” London: University of East London (2014).