It's Thanksgiving week when families gather to celebrate that for which they are grateful. With the family together in one place, it's a rare opportunity for relatives to talk about and even record family history, including family health histories.
That's one lesson that is being learned by teenagers across the nation whose teachers have chosen to avail themselves of a no-cost, evidence-based health education curriculum called "Navigating the Health Care System," developed here at Nemours. Today we are joined by the Nemours associates who created and have made available this curriculum and teachers from Delaware, Illinois, and Alabama to talk about how they have used or are using it in their classrooms.
Kate Blackburn and Denise Hughes from Nemours Children's Health, along with Ayanna Sterling, Program Manager, Health Literacy Program, Southeast Alabama Area Health Education Center; Christine DeGuzman, Health Education teacher, Brookside campus, Waukegan High School, Waukegan, Illinois and Katie Marianello, Delaware teacher and original curriculum pilot researcher.
Download the "Navigating the Health Care System" curriculum here.
Carol Vassar, producer