Falsos amigos al ataque nuevamente. Escucha a Jeremy y Joffre descifrar las diferencias entre estos falsos amigos.
Introducción: Bienvenido a Amigos Learning Languages, este es un podcast hecho por amigos para amigos que aprenden lenguajes. Podrás escuchar a nativos hablando de su cultura, experiencias y consejos. In addition, you would be able to listen to people who are already on this path of learning and how they manage to get where they are. Enjoy this journey with us!
Joffre: Okay. Hello, my friend Jeremy! It’s a pleasure to talk with you again.
Jeremy: You too! Hi Joffre, how is it going?
Joffre: It’s going well, thank you. I have a great topic to talk about with you and it is false friends, ¿has escuchado acerca de esto?
Jeremy: This phrase and expression: false friends, is this a very common phrase in Spanish?
Joffre: Yes! If you just Google it: false friends Spanish and English you will have a big list of different words.
Jeremy: Because you know, false friends in English, you know, it means something totally different.
Joffre: Yes! In Spanish is the same, you could have a false friend too, like, literally you could have a false friend.
Jeremy: Okay, okay.
Joffre: Someone who.
Jeremy: Is fake.
Joffre: Exactly, exactly, fake, a fake friend.
Jeremy. Okay. So, when you first told me I was like: okay, we’re going to talk about fake friends! I know a lot of fake people; you know what I mean? I got people at work that I work with that are fake, I have family members that are fake, what’s up? Which one you want to talk about? Let’s go, Joffre! I got a whole of bunch to say. I didn’t know until when you called me today and you said: Today we’re going to talk about the comparison of different words and I’m like: ohhh, he’s talking about false friends between words, okay, okay.
Joffre: Exactly, exactly., exactly. False friends for people that are learning English or Spanish.
Jeremy; Okay, yeah.
Joffre: So, for me and for you those words are false friends. Are you ready?
Jeremy: I think so, I hope so.
Joffre: Okay! La primera pareja es: dinero y dinner, dinero y dinner y diner son muy parecidas, en español dinero y en inglés tenemos diner y dinner. Could you help us with an explanation of those, please? Diner and dinner.
Jeremy: So, diner? You want me to explain it in English?
Joffre: Yes, please!
Jeremy: Okay, so, diner is what we call a small restaurant where is usually a restaurant that sometimes you see it in small towns, very small towns and it’s not a franchise, it’s not a chain of restaurants like, I don’t know, Red Lobster or Friday’s or anything like that, but it is usually just one restaurant own by a small, you know, family or something like that, so that’s what a diner is, it’s just a small restaurant you can stop and grab something to eat really quick, something like that. Dinner is when you have dinner with your family in the evening whether is, I don’t know, 5 o’clock or 6 o’clock you’re having dinner or you go out to dinner with a friend or you wife or whatever, you can go out to a restaurant and have dinner too in a restaurant, so, that’s the difference.
Joffre: Okay, so we have two different meanings. The first one is like a un restaurant pequeño como que está cerca de la vía o un restaurant de paso, algo pequeño.
Jeremy: Yeah, uh-hum.
Joffre: Y el siguiente que es dinner es la merienda o la cena, que es la hora a la cual nosotros comemos.