What is love? Is it the culmination of shared great moments, or the destined path that leads two people to become strangers? Does the concept of Love transcend romantic relationships?
Join us on a journey as people navigate the quest to uncover the answer. We hope you enjoy it.
She parks her car in front of a small grocery store near the apartment she used to live. The store is about a hundred meters from the building. She couldn't find any parking spots in front of it.
Gets out of the car, walks towards the entrance. She got a call the day before saying there was some mail misdelievered to that address. She presses the buzzer and waits for the super to come out.
He needed to pick up his dog at the doggy daycare and buy some fruit at the store. This particular store was pet friendly, so that was the place. He picks out his fruit, pays for It and walks out. Looks to the right, recognizes the car but thinks "it's too well taken care of". Shakes his head and turns left, his dog hadn't pooped yet, so he would have to walk a couple more blocks before going home. Fact: he should have turned right.
That street brought back some memories, but he was used to them.
As they (him and the dog) were walking past a certain building, he sees. And there she was.
"Fuck!" He thinks.
She sees them too. Dog goes bananas, after all that's his mom. Female super comes out of the building, hands over her mail and goes back in. She kneels down to hug him (the dog) and is happy to see him. She looks as beautiful as always. "Shit!" He thinks "I'm not even in my best outfit"
She stands up, greets him with a half-ass kiss on the cheek and goes "How are you? Are you good?"
"I'm good." He says. Looks away. She kneels down again to say good bye to the dog. The end.
Who's to say... That same building five years ago was where it all started. How crazy is it to bump into each other at that starting point, but not as lovers, as strangers.