Buzz Dixon — writer and story editor on iconic '80s properties like Thundarr the Barbarian, Dungeons & Dragons, G.I. Joe, and Transformers — joins Nic & Dacre for a wide-ranging conversation that goes both deep and wide, touching on '80s cartoons, L.A. record stores, Dashiell Hammett, samurai films, cowboy movies, and even The Three Amigos...
Find Buzz at, or on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Find Nic (and his blackkittybros) on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Find Dacre as Lowlight27's On-Point Customs, on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube; as well as Toytally Rad Creations & Almighty Collectibles on Facebook.
Our music is "Taking Lightly the Dark Battle of Pogs (Anamorphic x Komiku) Mix" by Lazy N.
Podcast logo by Lazy N.
You can find Nic & Dacre's Long-Distance Play Date at, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and just about everywhere podcasts can be found.
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