**Special White Rabbit Edition**
Our White Rabbit Editions are rare footage and recordings of conversations not originally intended for the podcast, but worth sharing!
In this White Rabbit edition, listen in on a curious conversation featuring Georgia Ellis {founder Blue Chip Minds}, Jamie Wheal {Co-author Stealing Fire and co-founder of the Flow Genome Project}, Benny Wallington {Founder 101 Tokens}, Steve Brophy {Founder Thrive Capacity} and Rob Gronbeck {Founder of The Brain Room}.
Don't be late for this episode as the crew converse and ask Jamie his thoughts on what it means to be human in this complex world, what does it mean to move beyond the pale, why we must move and play more along with a long list of insight waiting for you.
Join the Revolution mentioned in this episode: http://www.bluechipminds.com/yourevolution.html