Ever wondered how to manifest on demand, or whether manifesting is actually real?
Well, in this playful and fun episode, Sonja Denyse helps us explore and better understand the mechanics behind manifesting, and how you can begin right now to test your creative powers!
Combining the spiritual with the science and treating life as an adventurous path full of fun, in this episode, we discuss manifesting and deliberate creation.
We discuss some of the quantum mechanics behind attraction, and explore how the love of some baby chicks could give us all some insight into our creative power and capacity to impact the environment around us - even machines and technology!
By the end of this episode, Sonja offers some playful experiments to check your vibration, gives some tips on how to strengthen your belief bubble and also provides a tool for measuring the believability of your goals - each one a unique key in opening the door to manifesting on demand!
To keep up with Sonja's tips and tricks and learn more from her you can find her on Instagram, Twitter and LindkedIn or check out her website here.
**For our UK listeners, we have an EXCLUSIVE offer for you, as a gift from Sonja!
Please enjoy one free audio review copy of Manifest Beauty: Beauty is the Life YOU Create, now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at
Please enjoy one free audio review copy of Manifest Beauty: Beauty is the Life YOU Create, now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at
Please enjoy one free audio review copy of Manifest Beauty: Beauty is the Life YOU Create, now available on Audible. Redeem the one-time use code below at