**Special White Rabbit Edition**
Our White Rabbit Editions are footage and recordings of conversations not originally intended for the podcast, but worth sharing!
In this White Rabbit edition, listen in as Jamie Wheal - Executive Director of the Flow Genome Project (FGP) provides solid sounding points for emotional, spiritual and tactical actions as the world as we now it changes at lightning speed.
In the words of Jamie Wheal “It’s lively times and we hope everyone is keeping heads up and hearts open”.
As our newsreels and news feeds tell the tales of empty grocery stores, social distancing memes, borders closing and hygiene tips. This repurposed recording gifted to us by the FGP team offer us a larger frame of how to remain in a high performing state during VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) times, the message is one that shares an anti-fragile secret to surviving and thriving in challenging conditions.
As the world got crazier people began to reach out to the FGP team for recommendations on the practical and tactical of surviving and thriving. They then hosted a Zoom call with their community that went into some depth on what they have learned guiding expeditions in remote corners of Nepal and Tibet, leading off-grid base camps for months at a time in the forest (no electricity or refrigeration), tracking the emergency responsiveness of the Burning Man community, and being privy to a bunch of high level off-line dialogues with their three letter agency, DC, WHO, SOCOM, existential risk friends.
If you’re looking to distill the complex information out there right now this recording will raise your awareness (without the panic) and can provide you with the means to Embrace the Suck, Take the Hit as a Gift. Savor and Save the World and Above All, Be Kind.
Watch original recording on Youtube
Thank you Jamie and the FGP Team for allowing us to spread your message far and wide.
Music:Purple Planet