Alex Austin founder & CEO of branch metrics who is joined by founders fund partner and former spacex engineer scott nolan.
alex received an MS in Electrical Engineering & an MBA from stanford. In between degrees, he spent five years building a solar panel manufacturing facility from scratch in Santa Clara. While at stanford business school Alex also built an SDK for Android and iOS that is now live on over seven million phones world wide.
Alex is now the CEO of Branch Metrics, taking the lessons he learned as a mobile app developer to building a mobile linking platform that helps apps grow and give their users better experiences.
Scott Nolan is a Partner at Founders Fund, where he focuses on investments in technology-driven companies across sectors including energy, biotechnology, aerospace, healthcare and advanced manufacturing.
Prior to Founders Fund, Scott was an early employee at SPACEX. There, he helped develop the propulsion systems used on the Falcon 1, Falcon 9 and Dragon vehicles and was responsible for the Dragon capsule’s thermal and environmental control subsystems.
Lets listen into Alex and Scott’s conversation from our Silicon Valley chapter