Universal Tennis Rating, more commonly known as UTR, has become ubiquitous in tennis over the last several years, and it has been especially prominent in the world of college tennis. In this episode, Brian and Josh discuss how aspiring college tennis players can handle UTR and the pressures that come along with it. The co-hosts review the challenges of expectations and pressure that can increase when tennis players are overly focused on results including rankings and UTR ratings. They also consider mindsets and perspectives, such as focusing on the improvement process and on controllable factors that will help an athlete perform at their best (rather than solely focusing on results), which can be helpful in overcoming the pressure of feeling like you have to constantly improve your UTR.
Universal Tennis: Understanding The Algorithm - Complete Summary - https://support.universaltennis.com/en/support/solutions/articles/9000151830-understanding-the-algorithm-complete-summary
To learn more about Josh and Brian's backgrounds and sport psychology businesses, go to TiebreakerPsych.com and PerformanceXtra.com. If you have feedback about the show or questions on the mental game in tennis, email us at TennisIQPodcast@gmail.com or use the hashtag #tennisIQ on Twitter or Instagram. Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube or your podcast platform of choice (Spotify, Apple, Google, etc.) to stay up to date on future episodes.