It’s 2020, we still don’t have flying cars, we’re still looking for aliens and the hoverboard has yet to go mainstream. But what about marrying a sex doll? Was that on your predictions list? Meet this week’s guest Davecat. In the first of a two part series we talk to Davecat who lives with his 4 sex dolls, his wife(yes his wife), his mistress, his two girlfriends. They all live in his apartment near Detroit and live a seemingly normal life. In this episode Bryony discovers more about his unconventional marriage and his hopes for the future of his sex dolls, Davecat candidly talks about their individual personalities and their social media habits (including the one who can’t remember her password!) and his very special anniversary gift for his wife of 15 years.
Bryony then looks to the future, with sex dolls becoming increasingly popular, loneliness becoming more and more prevalent and sex robots becoming closer to reality, what does the future of intimacy look like? In part 2 released next week we have more from Davecat and also chat to Futurist and Psychologist Marianne Brandon and leading researcher on human behaviour with emerging technologies, Julie Carpenter who go deeper in the whys and how humans can create emotional connections with robots.
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- Host: Bryony Cole. Twitter: @bryonycole, Website:
- Producers: Bryony Cole/David Lamb Instagram: @davylamb
- Editor: Chad Michael Snavely Twitter: @chadmichael Website: