Peter reflects on the new integration with Less Annoying CRM, how a potential new Reform website would look like and his plans to double down on SEO. Matt is also seeing how SEO is having a positive effect on his rankings for Summit, while he figures out some more use cases for the calculators. Matt rounds off talking about his potentially controversial opinion on why startups of all sizes should have boards.
Sponsor - Recast
Thank you to this month’s sponsor, Recast, a tool that helps podcasters turn long form video and audio content into short clips for social media, like TikTok, Instagram and Twitter. Import your podcast episode and select the part of the transcript you’d like to use, then, Recast will generate your clip for you.
Recast are offering something special for listeners of the show. They will make five free snippets of your podcast to the first three people that respond to the pinned Tweet of the Out of Beta Twitter account.
Show Notes Sponsor - DebugBear: Monitor site speed and Core Web Vitals
DebugBear continuously checks how long it takes to load your website and monitors the Core Web Vitals metrics that Google uses as a ranking factor. Test your website for free to get an in-depth analysis with recommendations to make your website faster.