How do you make sure your learning is accessible for all? In this episode the wonderful Hayley Brackley uses her insights and personal experience to share numerous practical suggestions that any facilitator or coach can embrace to make the learning experience work for everyone. From how you create and share resources, how you manage collaborations, ways to set up practice activities and organising virtual break-out rooms. And of course, that starting point of creating the psychological safety whereby participants feel they can talk to you and explain what they need. Hayley's default question: "What can I do to make this learning experience work best for you?" is one that can sit in any facilitator's preparation. Hayley also generously shares her own neurodivergence and helps us understand what Facilitators can do to help themselves bring their best to the group. An episode packed with tangible suggestions, and tips to ensure we are prepared and can run learning sessions that are accessible for all.