Students shouldn’t be afraid to go after their goals. Today we’re joined by Barney Santos, the founder and managing partner at BLVD MRKT, a carefully curated food hall for the community, and the founder and CEO of Gentefy Inc., a community development organization supporting entrepreneurs by investing in people, places, and programs within Los Angeles county. Barney has spent the last 15 years building and managing new business ventures in the nonprofit, for profit, academic, and corporate sectors. He’s here to help us think more creatively, and expand our understanding of how we can support entrepreneurial students. We’ll cover the best ways to tackle the current barriers to enter the industry, and the importance of innovation within the education system. Tune in to discover what you can do to better support the future of entrepreneurship within your community.
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LinkedIn: @Barney Santos
Instagram & Twitter: @BarneySantos
Instagram & Facebook & TikTok & Twitter: @BLVDMRKT
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