Did you know there are free business development resources available all over? Learn further about how the Small Business Development Center works to support the Small Business Administration from Don Loewel, the Director Of The Pasadena City College SBDC. Discover how together they’ve created resources and services for small businesses in the San Gabriel Valley to launch and grow. With services ranging from ecommerce, social media, and marketing, to financial planning, organization, and IP services, the SBDC is committed to helping small business owners thrive, all at no-cost to them. There’s no need to build a business all alone when your local SBDC has the tools you’ve been searching for.
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More from Don Loewel:
Visit www.pccsbdc.org
Email: sbdc@pasadena.edu
LinkedIn: @Don Loewel
Facebook: @Los Angeles Regional SBDC Network
Twitter: @SBDCLosAngeles
Partner with us! Contact our host Salvatrice Cummo directly: scummo@pasadena.edu
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