With the 2030 clean energy target approaching, swift action is required from both the industry and the new Labour government. To meet this goal, we need to accelerate generation capacity, streamline grid connection processes, and optimize the use of existing resources. What strategies can help us achieve this, and where should the government focus to ensure success?
In this episode, Chief Executive at Energy UK - Emma Pinchbeck joins Quentin to explore the challenges around clean energy the new UK government is facing over their first months in power. Over the conversation, they discuss:
Mentioned in the episode
About our guest
Energy UK are the trade association for the UK energy industry, representing over 100 members including energy suppliers, generators, aggregators, flexibility optimisers, EV charging operators and software companies. They work with the sector, government, regulators and wider stakeholders to champion a sustainable UK energy industry. For more information - head over to their website.
About Modo Energy
Modo Energy provides forecasts, benchmarking, data, and insights for new energy assets - all in one place.
Built for analysts, Modo helps the owners, operators, builders, and financiers of battery energy storage solutions understand the market - and make the most out of their assets. Modo’s paid plans serve more than 80% of battery storage owners and operators in Great Britain and ERCOT.
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