Send us feedback/questions via Text
The experiment with clubhouse continues. Lots of good questions and one very important lesson learned. I didn't have the Rodcaster setup to record separate tracks. Lot of volume issues, and I've leveled them out, but separate tracks would've been helpful for the people joining via the phone.
SPONSOR: If you need a great looking ANYTHING (website, artwork, logo, lead magnet) go see Mark at
00:01:01 Sponsor:
00:02:27 CUP Sponsor: Dog Podcast Network
00:03:13 Using Voxer to Build a Community
00:10:30 The Coroner Talk Story - Darren Dake
00:12:49 What are You Seeing on Clubhouse?
00:17:48 Breaking Blab
00:18:13 Dave Almost Lost His Podcast THANK YOU BACKBLAZE
00:21:41 Understanding Backups
00:23:13 Can Hear Buttons on Podtrak P4
00:29:28 Awesome Supporters
00:32:15 Is This Too Wide?
00:37:09 James Ultucher: Choose Yourself Book
00:39:18 Browser Plugins see ToDoist
00:40:35 Do Your Chores
00:42:34 How to Integrate Clubhouse Intro Your Podcast
00:47:01 Wrap Up
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