We cover the week’s politics post- the major party campaign launches last weekend. We discuss how the campaign ‘proper’ might effect polling, the ineffectiveness of both Labour and National, ACT’s spontaneous combustion among it’s list candidates and what progressives can be hopeful about.
This episode’s co-hosts:
Kyle, Kieran
01:30 Labour Campaign Launch, Dental Policy
06:30 Campaign proper and polling shifts
10:00 Minor party energy
20:30 National Campaign Launch
24:30 Election debates
29:30 Election result and optimism
32:45 ACT list combustion
43:00 ACT and Seymour grievance strategy
47:00 Labour's gang crackdown cynicism
50:00 Normalisation of precursors for fascism
54:00 Rightwing mass-produced media strategies and how to respond
Intro/Outro by The Prophet Motive
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