This is many warriors GOOD FIGHT! Are you lacking clear vision in certain areas of life? Do you want to know the TRUTH even if you don’t FEEL like it? When we don’t know the truth of what is going on, then we have a hard time being properly prepared for the battles that will ensue. In today's Spiritual and Political climate in America it is hard to get beyond TRIBAL feelings. Of the 66 books in the Bible not a one of them is called “Feelings” or “Opinions”, yet our Political and Spiritual cognition seems to be driven by those 2 nemeses. Emily Davis, Vice President of Communications for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is joining Mr. Black for an hour of Power and Truth. In 1993 Bill Clinton Democratic platform coined the phrase: ‘Safe, legal, but rare” to describe their belief on Abortion. That statement implied abortion was inherently immoral, and thus should be rate. Today’s Democratic party celebrates the death of the unborn, as a power move. Today’s conversation will pull back the curtain on what took place at the Democratic convention, and in the back halls of the DNC that has totally changed the landscape and what abortion is about today. This is an important conversation, one that you need to listen to and share. If you are going to live your life like it matters, then, THE TRUTH will set you free. It is the Way of Warrior!
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