Web parts make the intranet go 'round. On this episode, we talk with Pat McGown (CEO, Cloudwell). In a world of SharePoint web parts, Pat and team build and deliver useful ones. We focus on developing web parts - past and present, some of their productivity-focused web part solutions, and tips and tricks for both developers and intranet managers. You can never get too much information about a good web part - be it one you use out of the box, one you procure from a partner, or one you build and design, and customize for your business.
Read this episode's corresponding blog post.
Plus, click here for transcript of this episode.
08:24 Conversation with Pat McGown
40:36 Upcoming Events
Pat McGown | LinkedIn | X/@PMcGown X/@Cloudwell_io
SharePoint | Facebook | @SharePoint | SharePoint Community Blog | Feedback
Mark Kashman |@mkashman [co-host]
Chris McNulty |@cmcnulty2000 [co-host]
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Upcoming events:
365 EduCon - Chicago | Oct.30 - Nov.4, 2023 (Chicago, IL)
Community Days - Mexico City | Nov.2.2023 (Juarez, Ciudad de Mexico)
Microsoft Ignite | Nov. 14-17, 2023 (Hybrid: Seattle, WA and online with pre-day labs)
European SharePoint Conference | Nov.27-30 in (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
European Cloud Summit | NEW DATE: May.14-16.2024 (Wiesbaden, Germany)
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