This episode brings all the insights on the Government Community Cloud (GCC) offerings in Office 365. Mark and Chris talk with three Office 365 experts who specialize in working with government agencies; John Peluso (CTO – Public Sector; AvePoint), Adam Levithan (Digital Product Manager; Withum) and Richard Toland (Principal Architect; Perpetual Reality), across a number of topics including customer stories, scenarios, change management, and important tips to share with every government customer and prospect. Plus, Mark's mom, Mary Kashman, sneaks in to the studio and gives us a great intro into this episode!
Running Time: 1hr 18min
Show Intro [00:00]
Topic of the Week – Government Community Cloud (GCC)
Guest Perspective – Government Round Table with Richard Tolan, John Peluso and Adam Levithan [09:50]
FAQs [01:07:45]
Upcoming Events [01:11:30]
Show Wrap [01:16:50]
Hosts and Guests
John Peluso (AvePoint) | @JohnConnected | LinkedIn
Adam Levithan (Withum) | @CollabAdam | LinkedIn
Richard Toland (Perpetual Reality, LLC) | @RRToland | LinkedIn
Articles and Sites
Office 365 government plans (G1, G3 and G5) - Includes eligibility requirements, what's included, etc.
Microsoft 365 for government (evidence how government agencies use Microsoft cloud technology including AI, and IoT)
Primary SharePoint Conference 2019 resources
Microsoft Docs - The home for Microsoft documentation for end users, developers, and IT professionals.
Stay on top of Office 365 changes
Get started with Office Online in Office 365
SharePoint Saturdays | @SPS_Events
Microsoft Ignite | The Tour (various cities worldwide)
Gartner Digital Workplace Summit - September 12-13, London UK
ESPC, European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference - December 2-5, Prague, Czech Republic (@EuropeanSP)
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