Enterprise video is on the rise. It's keeping employees, customers and business partners engaged and informed. Today, we talk about how video integrates into our daily work habits with Microsoft's Stream Team. Mark and Chris also talk with Microsoft customer Wavemaker and their partner AddIn365 about planning and deploying their one stop shop intranet site, Work Hub. See photos of guests and read more about the episode on the SharePoint Tech Community Blog.
Additional Resources:
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Primary resources and social:
SharePoint site https://products.office.com/SharePoint/
SharePoint Community Blog http://office.com/sharepoint/community
SharePoint Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MSSharePoint/
SharePoint Twitter https://twitter.com/SharePoint
Mark Kashman Twitter https://twitter.com/mkashman
Chris McNulty Twitter https://twitter.com/cmcnulty2000
SPS Events http://www.spsevents.org/
SPS Events Twitter https://twitter.com/SPS_Events
Wavemaker Global site https://wavemakerglobal.com/
Wavemaker Global Twitter https://twitter.com/WavemakerGlobal
Addin365 site https://www.addin365.com/
Addin365 Twitter https://twitter.com/AddIn365
Upcoming Events:
SharePoint Fest - Seattle, August 20-24, 2018
SharePoint Tech Con - Boston, August 26-29, 2018
Microsoft Ignite, September 24-28, 2018
Office and SharePoint LIVE! 360, December 2-7, 2018
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