![36 將欲歙之 jiāng yù shè zhī | 老子 Lao zi |《道德經》Dao de jing - podcast episode cover](https://d3mww1g1pfq2pt.cloudfront.net/Image/ck9tcffevgslp08733bo2bgl7/1605078359564.jpeg)
Episode description
第 三 十 六 章
将 欲 歙 之 , 必 故 张 之 ﹔ 将 欲 弱 之 , 必 故 强 之 ﹔
将 欲 废 之 , 必 故 兴 之 ﹔ 将 欲 取 之 , 必 故 与 之 。
是 谓 微 明 。
柔 弱 胜 刚 强 。
鱼 不 可 脱 于 渊 , 国 之 利 器 不 可 以 示 人 。
Dì sānshíliù zhāng
jiāng yù shè zhī, bì gù zhāng zhī﹔ jiāng yù ruò zhī, bì gù qiáng zhī﹔ jiāng yù fèi zhī, bì gù xìng zhī﹔ jiāng yù qǔ zhī, bì gù yǔ zhī. Shì wèi wēi míng. Róuruò shèng gāngqiáng. Yú bùkě tuō yú yuān, guózhī lìqì bù kěyǐ shìrén.
36. Opposition
To reduce someone's influence, first expand it;
To reduce someone's force, first increase it;
To overthrow someone, first exalt them;
To take from someone, first give to them.
This is the subtlety by which the weak overcome the strong:
Fish should not leave their depths,
And swords should not leave their scabbards.
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