Dad (Travis Irwin, the "minister" in 'Minister in the Making') died on June 1, 2022, before we could record the last episode with him.
In this episode, I took many of the questions that I wanted to ask him in that episode and asked them of the one person who may have known Dad better than he knew himself: Mom (Debbie Irwin).
Over one hour, Mom shared what she thought Dad learned in life, what it all meant to him, and what he hoped it would mean to those who came into contact with him. Nobody could better describe or summarize Dad's faith, life, and work than his best friend, companion, and partner for 49 years.
We also had a couple of surprise guests show up for this one!
This episode is the perfect way to look back on Dad's life and work and apply it to yourself.
Even though Dad's life on Earth is over, his work goes on in 'We Are God's Masterpiece', the book he wrote to help church leaders and members discover and use their spiritual gifts to build up the local church. Get your copy here.