Goldfish changing name?... Butch and Suni still on the ISS… Prada space suits… Gladiator II popcorn bucket / Colosseum…Babygirl movie with Nicole Kidman… Shows to watch and watching… TKO buys pro bull riders and more for 3.2 Keurig Dr pepper buys Ghost energy drinks… Judge blocks 8,5 billion deal with Michael Kors… Juul’s class action is paying out… Promo Code: Jeffy40 / $40 off ( as long as it lasts ) Who Died Today: Amir Abdur-Rahim 43 /Ron Ely 86 / Keplar Telescope 15 / Jack Jones, The Love Boat singer 86… Josh Reynolds shot twice / once in back of head… Royal Caribbean had worker filming passengers… Dr. Odyssey tv show… Menendez Brothers may get out?... Game Show: What’s The Lie?Contestant: Wesley Castelhano ( x4 )
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No Really, It’s Fine… | 10/25/24 | Chewing the Fat with Jeff Fisher podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast