Mike Koenigsknows how to get people noticed. The bestselling author of You Everywhere Now and the Founder/CEO of TrafficGeyser.com and InstantCustomer.com, Mike is on the cutting edge of technology and education when it comes to helping business owners build their platform and distribute their message.
He has worked with several global brands like 20th Century Fox, Sony Entertainment, and BMW, as well as notable celebrities including Tony Robbins, Paula Abdul, and Brian Tracy.
Mike is a three-time #1 bestselling author and is also a speaker, a filmmaker, and a philanthropist – simply cutting edge in everything he does!
He joins the show today to discuss the power of having a platform like a podcast, a book, or another medium to build thought leadership as well as the concept of “You, Everywhere, Now.”
Learn more about Mike and get the full shownotes at https://baconwrappedbusiness.com/mikek/
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