We live in a time where celebrity (real and perceived) is a very powerful force for getting your message across and accepted by the public. Business owners, authors, experts and consultants who understand this can go very far in their careers when they know how to get this type of publicity and then leverage it.
That's why I invited Clint Arthur on the show today to discuss his methods.
Clint is the only mentor in the world who helps Authors, Speakers, Coaches & Entrepreneurs create Celebrity and Unique Positioning using Local TV News & Talk Show interviews. His students — he calls them Magic Messengers — have booked more than 1,000 appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX affiliates across America, and on major TV shows including the Daily Buzz, Good Morning America, and the Today Show.
If you always thought it would be cool to showcase yourself or your business on TV and weren't sure how to do to it, this episode will give you the answers.
To get more info on Clint and his methods visit ClintArthur.tv