Cameron Herold is one of the top COO’s (Chief Operating Officers) in the world and he’s the mastermind behind hundreds of companies’ exponential growth. (Several of them are household names like 1-800-Got-Junk). No longer a COO for a single compaHave you ever looked at big companies who've experienced explosive growth and wondered how they got so big? Do you have a big vision for your own company but wonder if you have the expertise to personally engineer and manage this type of explosive growth yourself or if you need to bring in someone who can help bring your visions to life?
Meet Cameron Herold. Cameron is one of the top COO's in the world and he's the mastermind behind hundreds of companies’ exponential growth. No longer a COO for a single company, Cameron has built a dynamic consultancy, and his current clients include a “Big 4” wireless carrier and a monarchy.
In this episode, he offers amazing insights on how to operate on a very high level and how to work with your second in command to get things done. He discusses the tendency for many high-performance entrepreneurs to have ADD/ADHD, mild forms of Tourette’s, Bi-Polar, and OCD. If you suspect you have any or all of these traits, learn from Cameron how to capitalize on what makes you different.
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