What can you learn from a man who has sold over $3 billion dollars of product over the past 2 decades as one the top direct response TV (aka Infomercial) creative directors in the business? Today you're about to find out.
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Meet Ron Lynch...
His combined background as a retail operations expert and a filmmaker made direct response marketing the obvious landing pad for his passions. He has experienced the joy, pain and reward of generating over three billion dollars in retail revenue for his clients and partners. The experience he has in building real brands through direct response marketing venues is far reaching and robust. Ron specializes in the launch of innovative products including housewares, skincare, natural medicine, pharma, hardware, pain relief, technology, entertainment IP and personal growth IP.
In addition to giving the late, great Billy Mays his start on TV with Orange Glo, Ron has created and worked on the following informercials...
Go Pro Camera,
Silk'n Beauty,
Robin McGraw's Revelation,
Z-quiet, Darex Worksharp Tool Sharpener
Eagle One Car Products for Valvoline,
Fix Me Stick,
Sleep Squares,
Argenus Air Sterilizer,
Healthy Trim,
Harley Pasternack's 5 Factor Snore Guard,
Rug Doctor,
Light Relief,
Total Trolley,
FlavorWave Deluxe Oven,
Nuvo H2o Water Softener
Citra Charge,
Ultimate Chopper
Yubisaki Pilllow
SoftLu4x Pillow,
Premier Bath
Ron's Specialties?
Creating the "crystallizing" TV moment that iconically locks the products Unique Selling Proposition in the mind of the consumer giving the product a connected identity to the end user through a visual and powerful demonstration. What we laughingly call- that infomercial "moment".
Contact Ron at BigBabyAgency.com