Ryan is the founder of the Survey Funnel Formula. He has authored three books and has created over 30 information and software products including the RocketMemory course system and the Best-Selling SurveyFunnel Software. Ryan is also a marketing and business coach and has generated more than $37 million in revenue for his private clients in the last 6 years.
Download the Survey Funnel Formula Flowchart for FREE, here: http://baconwrappedbusiness.com/surveyfunnelformulachart
If you’re already selling a products or is thinking of launching one, then you should definitely listen to this episode. I’ve invited Ryan on the show today to share his bacon wrapped strategies for effectively converting your online visitors into paying customers through the power of the survey funnel formula.
Here’s what we discussed:
03:33 - What is a survey funnel and how is it superior?
07:52 - The two models of how consumers buy
08:45 - The flaws of eCommerce and Direct Response
09:02 - How to fix these flaws through the midpoint
10:07 - How the survey funnel formula replicates the offline experience
10:59 - How a service funnel gets you better buyers
12:10 - The service funnel vs. traditional squeeze page
13:00 - The problem with doing a typical squeeze page
16:53 - The biggest mistake you can make when creating a survey funnel
17:31 - The deep dive survey as an essential step
19:49 - Pulling out the gold
21:20 - Two schools of thought when doing a deep dive survey
22:09 - Focusing on the 20%
22:38 - Why you need to be careful of when working with small numbers
23:23 - The value of asking for people's phone numbers
24:11 - Starting from scratch, where to start: Facebook, Adwords, or Bing?
25:25 - The bull's eye prospect
26:52 - Where to START your paid ads (this will surprise you)
29:11 - Ryan's roll out schedule
31:11 - Micro-commitment engagement
31:59 - The big threatening step
33:44 - The value of a "softball question"
34:45 - An example of asking non-threatening questions: Wiring The Mind
38:10 - How to use data-piping
43:34 - How to use deep dive survey results
43:47 - The micro commitment bucket survey
44:33 - Referencing the previous question in each subsequent question
46:19 - The key: the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
52:08 - Is Ryan accepting new clients?
Resources Mentioned
Download the Survey Funnel Formula Flowchart for FREE, here:
To get in touch with Ryan, send him an email at contact@rlassociatesllc.com.
If you have any questions or challenges or would like a second opinion on your business strategy, email askbrad@baconwrappedbusiness.com and let me know.