One of the most popular topics I cover on this show involves deal making and buying businesses. Once you have the realization that it can be much more advantageous to buy a business than to build one. And if you really want a great payday, that happens when you sell.
Today's guest, Micahel Bereslavsky bought his first site back in 2004 for $120 and sold it to a larger affiliate business for $2500. He then started to purchase more sites for cashflow before flipping them.
As of today's date, Michael has a Flippa page 52 transactions totaling $604,961.
In this interview I went deep into Michael's acquisition strategy and criteria to discover how he finds, negotiates, manages and then flips his deals.
I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did.
About Michael BereslavskyMichael Bereslavsky is the founder and CEO of Domain Magnate. He’s been involved in various internet-based businesses since 2004 and quickly graduated from building, promoting, and monetizing websites to buying and selling them. With over a decade of experience, Michael and Domain Magnate has managed 300+ successful deals.