When acquiring big clients, you need to let everybody hear your voice and let them know that you are worth their time. This is exactly what The Top Podcast executive producer, Nathan Latka, has been applying in his business. He shares how he gains attention from his clients through access and influence in the marketplace. He talks about ways on approaching deal structures and how he strategizes his podcast into influencing tech entrepreneurs and creating his distribution channel.
Nathan is definitely a powerhouse, and even with his numerous businesses, he runs his investments even without full-time employees. He reveals his secrets on how he handles his investments from hiring to having hires execute tasks. There is so much to be learned from Nathan so don't miss this episode.
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
To learn more about Nathan and his secret on how he handles his investments from hiring to having hires execute tasks, visit https://baconwrappedbusiness.com/nathanlatka/
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