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Have you ever felt stuck, in your life or your business? And no matter how hard you try to dig yourself out of it on your own, you just dig deeper holes. And it always effects more areas of your life than you realize.
Entrepreneurs and executives often find that business frustrations and failures create a vortex of negativity in their personal and family lives, which in turn impacts their business even more. It's a vicious circle. Salespeople who feast or famine based on their mindset seek me out to help them become peak performers so they don't only keep their job but start to love it again.
Newsflash: We're ALL battling something, all the time.
Meet Dr. Laurie Emery
She has spent her entire life helping the members of her community become better people, partners, parents and professionals. Starting with her early career working with students with emotional and behavioral problems in Palm Beach County Public Schools, Dr. Emery has been singularly dedicated to ensuring that everyone in her care has the opportunity to live a thriving, successful, happy life.
As a business owner, Dr. Emery has always felt a profound affinity towards fellow entrepreneurs. She is intimately familiar with the struggles, fears and frustrations that business owners confront on a daily basis. She has experienced the extraordinary highs of success and the weight of concern when progress has stalled.
Her years of experience convinced her that a stellar business plan and a tremendous work ethic aren’t enough to ensure business success. To achieve their goals, business owners must be willing to work in every area of their lives, looking at their blind spots and clearing out the beliefs that hold them back personally as well as professionally.
Armed with this insight, Dr. Emery again set out to start her own business. Build Your Life By Design offers intensive, experiential workshops, intensives, and coaching to business owners who want to grow their success by improving every area of their lives. Based on her decades of experience helping people, first as a teacher, then as a therapist, and now as a transformational expert and coach, Dr. Emery has refined and perfected her programs in order to continue serving her clients and community.
Contact her directly at Build Your Life By Design
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P.S. I'm personally working with Dr. Emery so I can be more awesome in my own life. Mention you heard about her here when you contact her. She'll like that :)