Imagine this… You're an extremely successful entrepreneur with a string of mega-successes starting and selling amazing companies like Marquis Jet and Zico Coconut water after having success rapping on MTV and starting the “sports music” industry. Now imagine you're married to the self-made female billionaire Sara Blakely, founder and CEO of Spanx.
Life is good, right? You might even say “comfortable.” This was the life of Jesse Itzler. So why did he invite one of the toughest Navy SEALS alive to live with his family for a month and put him through the most excruciating mental and physical training imaginable?
Why is he obsessed with Crushing The Comfort Zone? And what did he discover about the 40% rule? He details it all in his bestselling book Living with a SEAL: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet and goes into even more detail in this episode.
Jesse is a true “entrepreneur's entrepreneur”. He is a genius at identifying and capitalizing on trends and nurturing relationships that can lead to multi-million dollar empires.
Learn more about his ways and hear his biggest takeaways as he reveals how his mind works and shares what the comfort zone means to him.
Some Topics We Discussed Include:
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