In the latest episode of our “In Conversation…” podcast series for 2024, Lucy speaks with Dr Vivienne Ming, a theoretical neuroscientist, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Socos Labs, a company dedicated to leveraging AI-driven research to maximise human potential.
In this conversation, Lucy and Vivienne explore the evolving relationship between AI and the workforce, discussing how technology can enhance our capabilities rather than merely focus on productivity gains. Vivienne emphasises the concept of “productive friction” and how AI can challenge us to become better at our jobs. They also delve into the implications of job disaggregation and the importance of finding balance in the age of automation.
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the future of work, human intelligence, and the role of AI in shaping our professional landscape.
Key takeaways:
AI as a tool for enhancement: AI should be viewed as a tool to augment human intelligence and creativity rather than replace it, emphasising the importance of human value in technology strategies.
Understanding vs. Knowledge: While AI excels at recognising patterns and processing known information, it lacks true understanding and creativity, which are inherently human traits.
Productive friction: Embracing “productive friction” involves using AI to challenge our ideas and improve our skills, rather than simply automating tasks, thereby enhancing the quality of our work.
The risks of disaggregation: The disaggregation of jobs may lead to productivity gains, but it also risks diminishing professional identity and satisfaction. Finding a balance between automation and meaningful work is essential.
Empowerment through AI: The focus should shift from AI making our tasks easier to how it can enable us to achieve things we couldn't before, fostering growth and innovation in our roles.
Identifying peer role models: It is crucial to identify “unofficial” leaders who can inspire and influence others. This offers untapped potential in companies by bridging the gap between leadership and everyday employee experiences.