In what is certainly the most comedically inclined Extra Milestone yet, I am joined by my very close personal friend Tyler Chambers to discuss a pair of classics within the genre. We begin with a lengthy rundown of Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam’s 1975 cult favorite Monty Python and the Holy Grail, complete with behind-the-scenes stories, details we’ve noticed over the years, our personal experiences with the movie, analyses of the film’s comedic stylings, and revisits of our favorite sequences. Then we move on to John Landis’s 1980 musical road comedy The Blues Brothers. We discuss the film’s story structure, cast, presentation, and deadpan sense of humor, as well as how all of those things compare and contrast surprisingly well with Holy Grail. Afterward, we both give a recommendation to pair with each movie, some much more unexpected than others!
NOTE: Due to a variety of unfortunate technical errors, the sound quality of this episode is a bit worse than usual. Sorry about that!
NEXT WEEK: Jason Read returns to Extra Milestone to discuss Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (his favorite film) and both of Joe Dante’s Gremlins movies!
Music in this Episode: “Homeward Bound” by Jack Trombey and “Country Wide” by Anthony Mawer, both from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Cinemaholics in this Episode: Sam Noland and Tyler Chambers
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