For those who aren’t aware, here on Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, our nine Horror hosts record frequently (pretty much weekly, in fact) and throughout the year, as they are available. This dynamic recording process allows us review Horror films in various combinations of co-hosts, like a revolving door of renegade reviewers, resulting in a veritable Horror Magazine in Audio Podcast form! Plus, sometimes it takes us (read: Jay) awhile to release certain portions, so the segments here in Episode 064 were recorded anytime between the end of 2022 to present!
In this episode, we discuss Horror movies like Malum (2023), Death Spin (2022), Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023), Final Exam (1981), Urban Legend (1998), The Grove (2023) and Blood (2023)! During this show, you’ll also hear an in-depth review of Poltergeist (1982), with special guest Dahlia Schweitzer, author of “Haunted Homes.” We also bring you Mackula’s new Interview With Vampires segment, as well as our brand-new, Official Contributor Kagan “Fruit Brute” Breitenbach with his new segment The Midnight Music Society. Join us!
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Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies is an audio podcast. Our nine experienced Horror hosts review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments. Your hosts are Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis, Mackula, Ron Martin and Dave Zee! Due to the large number and busy schedule of its nine Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies will be recorded in segments, piecemeal, at various times and recording sessions. Therefore, as you listen to our episodes, you will notice a variety of revolving door hosts and segments, all sewn together and reanimated like the powerful Monster of Dr. Frankenstein!