Episode description
Merry Christmas! Welcome to Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, The “Silver and Gold” Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts! This is our very special Christmas special — or as we have titled this 2024 edition, “A Wacky-Ass Christmas ‘Cast”! (It can’t all be “A material,” though most of it is immaterial.) During Episode 132 here, Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock and GregaMortis welcome special guest, The Twisted Temptress! This crew reviews Werewolves (2024), the infamous, French, “Home Alone”-esque Christmas Horror movie, Deadly Games (1989) (aka “Dial Code Santa Claus”), and The Final Cut segment, courtesy of Dr. Shock, Crazy Fat Ethel (2016)! Join us for some yuletide cheer!