Part 1. A once-great cloud city is in decline. Rumors swirl that a worldwide threat to humanity has reemerged earlier than predicted. Three strangers board an airship, hoping to turn their fortunes around. Their scheduled flight itinerary is about to change...
Content Warning: Violence, Language, Giant Psychic Bugs, Familial Conflict, Flying/Heights.
GM: the voice of the Escape Vector Podcast
Duke Tears (Lordling) is played by [anonymous friend]
Jesk / ‘The Monster’ (Magician) is played by [anonymous friend]
Edge (Sellsword) is played by Andersaucey (aka Anderwhy)
++ @andersaucey is a gamer. You can find him on Youtube or PSN (as Andersauce).
++ “Last Voyage of the Bean Barge” is a scenario written by watt and is a starter adventure for watt’s Cloud Empress Ecological Science Fantasy RPG. At the time of episode release, the Cloud Empress rulebook PDF is FREE on . Visit for more info on the RPG!
++ Music from Epidemic Sound. Sign up and try a subscription with our Epidemic Sound affiliate link to help the show (!
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